
Frontend Developer with one year of experience in leveraging JavaScript frameworks to build responsive websites, web applications, and interactive features that drive business growth.

In development I use tools such as React/Angular, Typescript, Redux/NGRX, Axios, SCSS/Tailwind, Node.js, Express.js, Webpack, ESLint, Git. Currently I am in the position of junior developer.


  • Higher education

    Finance and credit.

  • Higher education

    Software engineer.

  • RS School

    Front-end Developer

Hard skills

  • HTML

  • CSS/SCSS/Tailwind

  • JS

  • TS

Soft skills

  • Communication and Negotiation Skills

  • Leadership, Responsibility and Motivation

  • Teamwork


  • 07.2021 — 01.2022

    Website development for TLS ENG

    The site was developed based on the Bootstrap framework. JQuery and popper.js were used for user interaction. Working with Figma layout. Working in a team with a designer.

  • 03.2021 - 07.2022

    Website development for Language Solutions

    The site was developed based on the Bootstrap + lottiefiles Player framework. To interact with the server and database, the OctoberCMS framework was used on the Laravel (PHP) backend.

  • 09.2022 - 03.2023

    News editor app of BISC

    Development of an HTML elements editor for a news portal. Application based on React, TypeScript, ReactHooks, Swiper, BeatifulDND, TipTap, Tailwind.

  • 03.2023 - 08.2023

    Development and support of a corporate portal of BISC

    Optimization, development of services, widgets and additional functionality. Used Angular, NGRX, ViewportScroller, Tailwind.